Welcome to Fiscian

Fiscian is to fish and for those who fish.
Fishing and fishing tackle explained for everyone.

drawing of various fish forage
Learn what different types of baits are available and check out reviews of specific products.
historical drawings of various lures
Learn what different types of lures are used for and check out reviews of specific products.
historical drawings of various fish
Tips, tricks, and tackle recommendations by fish species.

historical drawing of walton fishing
Your questions about fishing answered.
hooks strewn about
Everything about fishing hooks.
historical drawing of math
Why do math problems when you could be fishing?

historical drawing of a market
Guides to shopping for fishing tackle
cartoon of dog reading paper
Classic fishing articles and stories.
old illustration of fishing sinkers
Fishing weights and sinkers.

At fiscian.com we hope that you find our fishing information useful. In a world where fishing seems to be way more complicated than it needs to be, we try and make it simple. Whether you are looking to buy or just find out more about fishing tackle like hooks, lures, or baits. Or if you wanted to fish for a new species or just had a question about how to fish, we try our best to have you covered.