The often forgotten cost associated with buying online: shipping fees. That great deal you found isn't so great when you factor in shipping fees or buying a bunch of gear you really didn't want to buy to qualify for free shipping. In this guide, we take a look at some of the web's biggest retailers to see how shipping fees compare.
It seems like $50 worth of stuff has settled in as the average price to qualify for free shipping.
With that in mind, let's rank your options:
Top Tier Free shipping when buying less than $50 worth of stuff.
Average Tier Free shipping when you spend $50
Low Tier Free shipping when you spend over $50
Keep in mind that shipping fees alone aren't the end all, be all of choosing where to shop online. If your total checkout price at website A is lower than website B, but website B has a lower shipping fee you can't say B is the better deal. Note: when you buy oversized items (like a long one piece fishing rod) there is often an additional fee. Oversized item fees are not included in this guide since it varies by package carrier (USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL).