Northern Kingfish (Menticirrhus saxatilis)

profile view of northern kingfish
Illustration of a Northern Kingfish
photograph of a northern kingfish
Photograph of a Northern Kingfish

The northern kingfish is a saltwater fish in the Sciaenidae family (the drum or croaker family) and the Menticirrhus genus (kingcroaker or kingfish genus). Menticirrhus includes 9 different species but the northern kingfish overlaps its range with southern kingfish and the gulf kingfish. Menticirrhus meaning chin barbel, referring to their barbel on the lower jaw. Saxatilis means dwelling or found among rocks but the northern kingfish can also be found along sandy or mud bottoms.

Northern Kingfish Records & Statistics

Where to Find Northern Kingfish

Northern kingfish are a saltwater fish found along the Atlantic coast of the United States, roughly from Florida to Massachusetts. They also show up in the Gulf of Mexico. The prime fishing territory is typically from the Chesapeake Bay to New York, with a larger range of Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod being more inclusive. They can be caught by land-based anglers in bays and the surf as well as by boaters inshore fishing.

Other Names for Nothern Kingfish

Other names people have used to refer to this fish include northern kingcroaker, whiting, king whiting, roundhead, sea mullet, sea mink, and northern whiting. This fish has nothing to do with king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) which is also called kingfish, they have nothing in common other than the name.

northern kingfish on ice in cooler
Photo by Adamakafade CC BY

When to Fish for Northern Kingfish

Northern kingfish are a seasonal target. April to October is when you have an actual chance of catching them, their exact winter locations haven't been confirmed. Northern Kingfish spawn in estuarine and coastal areas in spring through late summer. Juveniles leave estuaries in the fall and adults are best caught surf fishing and bayside late summer through early fall as water temperatures are high.

Ideal water temperatures are in the 70's F. The later in the year the more abundant the fishery becomes. Young-of-the-year fish can grow to about 10 inches by the end of the summer period and older individuals become available as they finish spawning activity.

  • Common less than 1 lb
  • Trophy 1 - 2 lb
  • Record 2 lb plus

Diet of Northern Kingfish

Northern kingfish primarily eat food items off the bottom or suspended a few feet from the bottom. Common prey include polychaetes (marine worms), crustaceans (shrimp, crabs, etc), and small or young fish including clupeid (herrings) and gobiidae (gobies). In general, they are opportunistic and will eat whatever is available.

What Tackle for Northern Kingfish

Northern kingfish are primarily bottom feeders, you want to be on the bottom or a few feet off it. For bait selection, anything that any species of drum would eat is fair game. (provided it is scaled down in size) For surf fishing, mole crabs are a great bait and easy to collect. Recommended hook sizes from 8 to 4. (You can also drop down to a size 10 if only small fish are around) While most people associate kingfish with bait fishing, they also can be caught on small lures bounced along the bottom.

Cooking and Eating Northern Kingfish

Northern kingfish are a good eating fish. They have white flesh and a mild taste. The most common way to cook them is to fillet and then fry. Northern kingfish is versatile and will work for most fish recipes (as long as it doesn't require a giant fillet or steak cut). Anything you have read for cooking, eating, or the taste of southern kingfish will also apply. (just note that northern kingfish tend to be a little smaller in size)

  • Common 10 inches and less
  • Trophy 13 - 15 inches
  • Record 16 inches plus

Recreational Regulations

Northern kingfish are generally an unregulated species for recreational anglers. There are no regulations for federal water or any of the states where they are abundant. In Florida, there is a max combined creel weight of 100 lbs and in South Carolina, there is a combined creel limit of 50 with spot and croaker.